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The Business of Interpreting
Navigation tips and Introduction Video
Navigation Tips
Interested in accountability check-ins?
Introduction to the course (4:58)
BONUS: Freelancers' Resource List
Opening Activity
Community Perspectives: Introductions, Interpreter Fit, & Relationship (16:16)
Community Perspectives: Allyship (10:26)
Grounding in Reality Introduction (1:04)
Grounding in Reality, part 1 (25 minutes)
Setting Your Rates with Dr. Theresa Smith
Setting Your Rates Introduction (0:52)
Let's Talk About Money (6:30)
A Note About "Price Fixing" (4:04)
Rates Discussion, Part 1
Meet the Interpreter Panel (18:02)
Let's Do Some Research (13:42)
Activity: Research (25 minutes)
Activity: Calculate Your Annual Income Goal (15 minutes)
Now for Some Math (6:40)
Activity: Calculate Your Rate (30 minutes)
Interpreter Panel: Deciding & Negotiating Rates (21:54)
Rates Discussion, Part 2
Community Perspectives: What Makes Interpreters Valuable? (5:09)
Policies & Annual Reviews (3:40)
Interpreter Panel: What Does "Full Time Work" Look Like? (8:39)
Inflation (4:39)
Interpreter Panel: Final Thoughts (26:46)
Rates Discussion, Part 3
Conclusion (4:26)
Information Sharing, Explanations, & Pushing Back
BONUS: Interpreting Hours & Income Dashboard
Setting Your Rates: downloads, resources, and links
Activity Interlude
Community Perspectives: Accountability, Feedback, & Integrity (16:33)
Grounding in Reality, part 2 (10 minutes)
Contracts, Terms, and Conditions with Raylene Lotz
Contracts Introduction (1:40)
Contracts, Terms, & Conditions (2:03)
Purpose of a Contract (2:23)
Charges (1:53)
Overages & Cancellations (2:23)
Reimbursable Charges (1:24)
Invoicing & Acknowledgement (1:23)
Conclusion (1:29)
Contract Activity (30 minutes)
Contracts: downloads, resources, & links
Contracts Discussion
3 Easy Ways to Take Charge of Your Taxes with Rosemary Bocian
Taxes & LLCs Introduction (1:23)
Taxes (3:25)
Separating Your Finances (7:54)
Business Expenses (23:41)
Quarterly Estimated Taxes (9:12)
Activity (20 min)
BONUS: Is This a Business Trip? Flowchart
Taxes: downloads, resources, and links
Taxes Discussion
Unpacking the Decision to Become an LLC with Rosemary Bocian
LLC Basics (16:43)
Tax Implications of an LLC (16:13)
Activity (15 min) (0:55)
Alternatives to an LLC (4:54)
Examples & Conclusion (15:04)
Activity (15 minutes)
NEW: BOI Filing Requirements
LLC: downloads, resources, and links
Optional: Review and Trivia (3:10)
LLC Discussion
Planning for Retirement with Melissa Mittelstaedt
Retirement Introduction (1:31)
How Much Do I Need for Retirement? (7:16)
How Much Do I Need for Retirement: Resources, Notes, & Links
Retirement Cash Flow (5:42)
Retirement Cash Flow: Resources, Notes, & Links
Personal Savings Options (8:51)
Personal Savings Options: Resources, Notes, & Links
Next Steps (3:13)
Next Steps: Resources, Notes, & Links
Planning for Retirement Discussion
Final Activity
Community Perspectives: The Impact of Interpreter Business Practices (14:40)
Grounding in Reality, part 3 (10 minutes)
Bonus Module: Money Mindset with Melissa Mittelstaedt
Money Mindset Introduction (1:17)
Money Mindset (7:45)
Activity 1: Forgiveness (5:05)
Activity 2: Creating Your Money Mantra (1:48)
Activity 3: Money Dates (3:25)
Activity 4: Thank Your Money (2:19)
Activity 5: Emotions & Money Journal (1:12)
Activity 6: Emotional Freedom Technique (7:24)
Money Mindset: downloads, resources, and links
Conclusion & Evaluation
Conclusion (0:29)
Course Evaluation Form (required)
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